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I filed my taxes last week and I have already received a refund.  Compare that to where you pay a company good money for mobile service and after a week they still can't route a phone number correctly.  I think we need a government run mobile company.

And…guess what?  Another 48 hours…this has been going on for a week and you can read the backstory here.

Yes, this is most likely the fault of Telus Mobility but as I am a customer of Fido they should have this resolved within the first 48 hours if they said they would.  The portability system should be working by now given that the US has had an automated system since 2003 (that's even in the CRTC announcement).  Pure incompetence.

About getting tired or sleepy that I'm not five minutes later?

Last week (it's been one week now) I started on a quest to transfer my phone number from Telus Mobility to Fido.  We were granted the privilege of number portability here in Canada and it seems that mobile companies here are so poor they can't afford to properly implement it even though they've had years to do so.  Let me give you a run down of what's happened so far.

Last Wednesday I went to a kiosk at the mall and signed up for a pre-paid account with my Nokia E70. I have been using the E70 with

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It's been a long hard day of entering movie titles but in total I've added about 160 titles to the Media List.  One in particular will stand out…especially the media type…it was bound to happen.

Yes…I know I don't post about Baseball because I dislike it but once in a while there's an acceptable Baseball story that can be posted.

So Akshay bought himself a piano.  I'm impressed by his dedication and perseverance in pursuit of musical mediocrity.  Of course, that's not going to stop me from hassling him as I found he responds well to being ridiculed and thrives under pressure.  Must be an Indian thing.

This video is fantastic!  I do not use that word lightly.

Last few days have been dedicated to XNA development.  Since attention at WPT shifted to game development both Chad and I have been busy designing a game.  It's easy to get carried away and keep adding exciting new things and we really need to restrain ourselves as E3 is just a few months away and we have a lot of work.  To that end I've been developing out most of the base code using XNA in C#.  Honestly, I believe the platform is simple to use and that also happens to be a flaw.

While C# and

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PI Day!  Also, happy cell phone portability number day!  In Canada.  Finally.

It begins. (other than the few that already exist, hopefully this will be the start of the real one)

Scotties was good, get your fix at 1830 today:  Brier Finals.

Or eat chocolate and watch UHF?  Well, it's been a long hard night of coding and what else to do afterwards?  Why UHF though?  I was watching Sharpe but it turned out that the set I have had a duplicate DVD.  Turns out that Amazon actually has good customer support because within minutes of me sending them an email they're sending me another copy.  Fantastic!

Do remember to change and make from the new project source tree directory rather than the old one.  It's very confusing when you keep changing a header file and the compiler doesn't output expected errors.

It's kinda tough to be reverse engineering, init?  Well, there are different degrees but sometimes things are just far too obscure.

Four games on Saturday, three games on Sunday for Snowplate then a five hour drive back followed by an indoor league game.  Needless to say, tired now and sleepy but code must be written first!  Yes, things to do.

So, in case you don't want to click on the link: Snowplate is a two day outdoor Ultimate tournament that takes places during the winter in Sudbury. Sudbury is cold and the snow is deep. You have to keep moving lest you catch a chill and it's all the fun parts of Ultimate combined with

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Back from Sudbury.  All muscles hurting, I'm also smelly and tired.  I have my league Ultimate game tonight so I must prepare for that, ciao.

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