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So many of you know that I'm a programmer and that I write quite a bit of code (or at least I did). So why, unlike other blogs, do I not paste code here or show you something interesting and neat? That question has been posed to me many a time and the reason is that the code I run into these days that's interesting or neat or code that I write that's interesting and neat simply isn't short. The code requires a deeper understanding of the system it's being implemented for and without understanding

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Every time he says "You can't handle the truth!" I smile a little.

Ryan just had his second daughter, Kaitlynn.  She's so tiny!

As you know, WPT released Wiiminder earlier this week (video here).  Today JohnnieTV responded on YouTube…yes, I know what you're thinking:  Who's Johnnie?  A very interesting person.

Eric helped me pick out some boots at Adventure Guide yesterday.

Fall?!!?  How do you expect me to wait that long?  Seriously…come on!  Resident Evil:  Extinction Trailer.

Chad has been chugging away overtime on this one.  Wiiminder Forum postWiiminder itself.

If you have a Digg account then please Digg this as it'll help get the site out to more people. 

Yes, I've been posting about WP a lot recently but that's been mostly what's been keeping folks busy 'round these parts.  I reckon that towards the end of this month you'll start hearing about Snowplate.

Gotta get back to work on them engines again. Seems like there's so many projects on the go these days. I think I dodged a bullet on not having to work on one (goooooooood) and I think I finished off 90% of another. That's the problem with being a programmer, people keep asking you to work on things and you keep saying yes because you see the challenge. Unfortunately problems in these new projects get solved within a few days and it's boring after that as it's all implementation. Of course, I echo

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I'm reminded of the scene in Galaxy Quest where Alexander Dane (Alan Rickman) says "Never give up, never surrender!".  It's been a long time coming but I feel like the projects are finally wrapping up.

I don't know if you read this post that Chad posted last week but it's pretty important.  We are moving forward and we are finally going to use technology that we've written over the last few years.  More importantly we'll be able to push forward a new product since our last onethat will be based

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So last Monday I was at work minding my own business, just hackin' away at some tasks that will not be named.  I received a phone call at 1900 asking if I was available to fly to the west coast.  I replied that I was indeed available and just like that I left for the west coast on Tuesday.  Wednesday and Thursday were filled with meetings as well as lots of problem solving (the type of solving I like).  Friday I had a brief lunch with Jonand then in the afternoon Vince and I played some mini-golf

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Last week I had the best cupcakes ever!  Where do you get these best cupcakes ever?  Sibby's Cupcakery.  I believe everybody at the Mountain View office is now addicted.  If you're in the Bay area you must try them (no store front, delivery or by appointment only).  Just amazingly good.

When I left earlier in the week…don't worry, it was in offline mode.

YYZ to SFO from runway 23.

I kid you not, see it here.  I'm starting to get ideas…

People of Waterloo…I am returned.

Found out just hours before I actually left that I was to head to California.  Been here for three days now working non-stop.  Many good meetings, much hecticness and much information gathered.  Will be back on Saturday (probably).  Should be on a plane heading to Toronto this time tomorrow and then back in Waterloo at around 9 am on Saturday.  Much code to write once I return, many problems to solve.

Weather is very good here but no time to enjoy it. I get to work at about 0830 PT and head back

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Perhaps a little late but Happy Groundhog Day!

Thanks to Chad for the continuing addiction

Jon pointed this out and after no digging at all…One, Two, Three!

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