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Spent the evening working on two stage towing on the big winch at Yatton just north of Waterloo. Had this flight out with good releases. Then scrubbed some altitude with a few 360s before coming in for a flair landing into a very gentle headwind.

Narrated this as I was speaking with Mark on the ground.

Just over a week ago I gave a talk at ETHAtlanta with regards to how endorsers could delegate endorsement to verifiers. Plenty of feedback was received and it will be incorporated into the code that will be open sourced. If you are interested you can download the deck and notes below.

Download PDF

The upcoming release of Go 1.7 shall move the golang.org/x/net/context package into the standard library. The move standardizes a simple interface and several simple functions that allow for straightforward concurrent processing as detailed in a 2014 Go blog post. More importantly a Context can be attached *http.Request allowing for cleaner and more concise code.

An example is a recurring pattern used in middleware or http handler processing that looks a little bit like:

func Handler(ctx context.Context,

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Limited to theatrical films out of Hollywood.

  1. Die Hard (1988)
  2. The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)
  3. Trading Places (1983)
  4. Die Hard 2 (1990)
  5. Love, Actually (2003)
  6. Home Alone (1990)

It’s been five years since my last blog post and while I had intended to post often at the time circumstances simply did not allow for it. Are things going to be different now? Possibly although there is even less free time. It’s more likely that I’ll start posting on specific activity blogs but I shall try to focus more here.

What’s happened in five years? Plenty of things to write about and I suspect that they’ll slowly leak out. In the meantime feel free to take a browse down memory lane

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About a decade ago I started playing Counter Strike while in University.  I started playing in the “Cove” or whatever the UW arcade was called at that time.  I played CS, or at least started to, because I wanted to know what the buzz was all about.  The first experience was interesting.

I was able to get into the game very quickly but also developed motion sickness almost immediately. Fighting through the sickness I managed to win a few rounds and was intrigued. I went on to purchase an upgraded

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It’s Bieber?  I thought it was Beaver…

4chan is going to go nuts over this.

Regular visitors will notice the lack of a Movie or Media List.  That may return someday.  Things have changed substantially over the last few years and I’ll write an update post on that front soon.

You’ll also notice that the blog history now goes back to Sunday November 26th 2000 or my very first blog post…ever.  You’ll also notice that I haven’t matured much since then or through the years.  Talking about exceeding your goals!

For the third or fourth time in ten years a new platform is running this site.

While I toyed with using WordPress for a while I decided to spin my own (once again) as I have built a new web platform.

Let’s see where I go with this new system as it’s getting more user friendly by the day.

I know I haven’t posted in a year or so but this bit of information seemed important enough to share.

I was helping a family friend fix their 160GB iPod and Google searches proved fruitless so I thought I’d share the issue as well as how it was fixed.


160GB iPod



iPod appears in Finder (equivalent of Windows Explorer) but does not appear in iTunes.

Things tried that didn’t work:

Hard reset.

Disk mode.

Diagnostic mode.

Ejecting the iPod drive that appears in Finder causes iPod

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I’ve not traveled much by any stretch of the imagination. I have friends (like Mike Connolly) that have traveled around the world and experienced many cultures. My trips have been limited to the US, India, and parts of Europe. Yet it seems that I have more travel experience that most people. Why is it that people fail to travel anywhere except to pre-packaged resort all inclusive packages? Whatever happened to going on a road trip with only a compass and the only guides being the sun and the occasional

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Actually, I think this makes for some really sweet water balloon fights!

When UK Prime Minister Brown visited US President Obama he received 25 US DVDs. Of course what nobody at the time thought of were two things: region coding and signal format. Well, it turns out that Brown definitely ran into the region coding problem.

Most commercial DVDs released by movie studios are region coded so that DVDs bought in a certain part of the world only play in DVD players bought in that part of the world. It’s a simple way to ensure that if a movie is released on DVD in North America

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The opening credits to “Watchmen” is one of the best credits I’ve seen to date.  It’s unlike most other films in that it educates you to the events leading up to the movie.  Most credit sequences are simply that…credit sequences and it’s rare to find sequences where you can’t pay attention to the titles because there’s simply something far too interesting going on.

Jon also pointed out another great opening credit sequence from “The Kingdom”


Have returned from Snowplate 2009 up in Sudbury. It’s an amazing tournament that I suggest all attend next year. Photos coming soon.

Finally after a year or so I bring you an update.

I am working on a little project to update the platform that this blog/blag runs off of. I also expect to spawn several blogs targeting each specific area of my life: code, Ultimate, photography, and life in general. They will all merge back here on this site as I am working on a new form of blog sharing concept. I have to solidify the design for that before I publish it.

My subwoofer causes disc burning to fail.

Yes, I could drive a car even if my hands were flippers.

Normally I wouldn’t post a trailer that’s as slow as this one but…the disco music at the end goes way back to my childhood and I’m hooked on that alone…darn movie companies know exactly how to get my money.

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