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How’d yah like that?

Four games on Saturday, three games on Sunday for Snowplate then a five hour drive back followed by an indoor league game.  Needless to say, tired now and sleepy but code must be written first!  Yes, things to do.

So, in case you don't want to click on the link:  Snowplate is a two day outdoor Ultimate tournament that takes places during the winter in Sudbury.  Sudbury is cold and the snow is deep.  You have to keep moving lest you catch a chill and it's all the fun parts of Ultimate combined with all the extremely tough parts.  There are a total of seven games that each team must play and that means standard tournament format and very tough play.  That is it's "tough" unless half of your team is snowed in in Ottawa and can't make the trip so you're left with three guys total (usually you field four guys and three ladies for each point) who must then play every point of every game.  Then one of your guys gets hurt during the first game and then you're down to two gents which leads to the ladies having to play overtime as well.  The tournament then goes from merely tough to perhaps as masochistic as an Ultimate tournament can get.  Needless to say, fun times in the harsh winter weather and very tiring as well.

Good night.