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Earlier Akshay had indicated to me that Evanwas in fact pretty crazy. I scoffed at him, after all, I am listed under most definitions of crazy. Turns out…he was right with regards to the crazy but not the circumstances surrounding the craziness. The local Ultimate touring teams are having tryouts and Evan drove from Toronto (basically downtown) all the way out here (probably a two hour drive) to run drills in the rain while he has a cold. Even the soccer team that was practicing next to us left

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Haven't posted in a bit.  Been busy with work, WP, and Ultimate.  Good news though, Steve and Mel will soon have a babei!  Congrats mate!

Amazing spinning!

Do you remember Dr. Tran?  We were promised more movies and apparently there were many more made.  They're all available here…not safe for work…or kids.

Cheap and easy police frequency scanner:

[2007-04-12 14:19:34] Akshay: monty python's WEAK

I believe that physical violence is condoned when such words are spoken.

The Meaning of Life on HD-DVD on June 12th!  Wow!  I guess in August I'll have to do it!

There are days when it really goes to work:  natural selection at work.

People seem to shurg when I talk about the iPhone and how the touch surface may not be all that great.  The concept is very cool but the hard surface that the phone requires is going to be tricky to use.  I don't believe that people realize how much tactile feedback they rely on every moment of the day.

Consider for a moment other hard surfaces that are buttons but don't feel like buttons: Hard non-moving buttons on microwaves or touch sensitive screens (bowling alleys/bank machines). Have you found

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That's probably not the best title to introduce this topic but yesterday (9th) I signed paperwork stating that I would be acquiring a house in a few months.  It's quite a nice place and the folks that sold it are pretty cool as well.  Parents helped me quite a bit through the process…I don't think I did all that much overall other than find the house accidentally.  More details after acquisition date.

Wish to adopt within Canada.  I've known Steve for quite a few years now and he's a solid bloke who'd make an awesome dad…Mel on the other hand…while I'm sure she'd make a good dad she'd make a much better mom.  There are more details on their website (www.melanieandstephen.com) and if you can offer any assistance please do so as they're very deserving people.

1330 MT (1530 ET) on CBC.  Details.

Update:  Canada wins 8-3 in 8 ends.

Does he?  Everytime I called in they added credit to my account balance…sometimes they doubled it.

It takes time to develop balance, it takes time to develop flexibility, that's why there's ballet…and then there's Ballet.

My phone ist fixed(t)!  Crank calls may now resume.

So, the library tool for some WPT is working now and script compilation is better.  What's better?  There was a script that was 16kb…now it's 3kb…happy times!

Would somebody please warn this nut that it's not good to poke me?

Finally, some details from Fido about what's going on.  Apparently everybody that transferred from from Telus to Fido as prepaid customers is having this issue presently.  So it's not just me which is good as it affects their bottom line.

Plot, Comedy, Editing…this clip has it all.

To this jackass that I still have my US mobile number that he can contact me at any time.  Damn me and my super fast bus.

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