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Second last day of practice…let’s see what’s starting to happen.

[Watch some day 6 practice.][1]

[1]: javascript: Launch_flash_player( 224, '/data/videos/2008/italy/day_6_small.flv', 640, 360 );

Where’s the sun?! It’s started raining now and it’s supposed to do so over the weekend/tournament. Weren’t many willing to practice today so I did a walk around the city. Of course, the lighting was bad so nothing good to report of…but here’s a video taken of the beach and the shells.

[Watch HD video of the beach and the shells.][1]

[1]: javascript: Launch_flash_player( 223, '/data/videos/2008/italy/rimini_beach_shells.flv', 1280, 720 );

There was a lot of shaky camera work today so I’m posting the only good clip that made it. For the rest I’m going to have to edit heavily before I post it. This clip is also in 720p30 so don’t be surprised by the big window.

[San Marino Quick Look around clip (HD)][1]

[1]: javascript: Launch_flash_player( 222, '/data/videos/2008/italy/san_marino_quick_look_around.flv', 1280, 720 );

I’m posting a short clip now for each of the days. I plan on putting together a longer movie when I return with much more footage. For now though, enjoy an approximately 30 second recap of the last two days.

[Watch it now!][1]

[1]: javascript: Launch_flash_player( 221, '/data/videos/2008/italy/day_1_and_2.flv', 640, 360 );

Things get boring when you’re sitting around. Here’s some poorly shot video. In better news, I found a power source!

[See shaky video of the terminal.][1]

[1]: javascript: Launch_flash_player( 220, '/data/videos/2008/italy/yyz_cieling.flv', 1280, 720 );

Well…things are delayed…probably because of that storm out east. Let’s hope it doesn’t affect this flight. Not much exciting to post but hey, you can see video of me sitting in a terminal.

[Watch exciting video of me doing nooooooooooothing!][1]

[1]: javascript: Launch_flash_player( 219, '/data/videos/2008/italy/waiting_at_yyz.flv', 640, 480 );

It’s the night before I head off to Italy for a few days…yes…I know it’s a surprise but it’s going to be interesting. I’ve thought about getting a little video blagging going and this is my attempt at it below. I’ll try to have pictures and video posted as often as possible.

[Click here to watch “Technical Test”.][1]

[1]: javascript: Launch_flash_player( 218, '/data/videos/2008/italy/technical_test.flv', 640, 480 );

I get in moods sometimes.  Moods where I'll be able to write interesting things.  Moods where what I write will mean something.  Moods where I don't feel like writing and what I write doesn't mean much and doesn't read read well.

I've made it a goal to write more and post more to my blag.  You'll experience all the moods with some good writing and quite a bit of bad writing.  Like with everything else that I've done so far:  Practice will make me better.

As for various styles; I'll see what

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I purchased a Macbook Pro a few days ago as my old laptop was terribly slow.  Don't get me wrong, old laptops have their uses but over the years I've been taking more photos and video and when I travel I need a laptop that can be used for the purposes of managing, storing, and editing content.  My old laptop used to take 2 hours just to copy 4GB of content whereas my new laptop takes around 5 minutes.

As far as I'm concerned there's very little difference between operating systems. Linus Torvalds

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I've been anticipating the next Pixar film for quite some time…that film, of course, is WALL-E.  There have been many trailers going around but the newest bit of information that contains a tidbit of information was recently posted at Slashfilm and Cinematical.

If you click on the image in the link above you'll see some text under WALL-E's hand.  With some trivial manipulation in Photoshop you see this…hmmm…strange language…considering what we've seen in the trailers so far. Of course, it

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No sooner do I buy and import "Dragon Tiger Gate" on DVD do I find out that it's out on HD DVD in one month.  BAH!  On that front…I'm going to continue purchasing HD DVDs discs if I find a movie on it that I enjoy.  Why?  I have plenty of HD DVD players, spares are going to be inexpensive to purchase, and…content is going to drop in price.  I only started purchasing DVDs in 1999 and I'm already upgrading to HD…I'm awaiting the next media format eagerly…early early adopter 🙂

Just a few hours ago I met one of the last goals for 2007 (the other goal for Winter 2007 specifically is uploading right now).  I have a small prototype of the small game working as previously mentioned.  The game is simple but with the lack of time these days it was important to make a push to get it done.

I reached my goal a few hours ago but I wasn't happy with it as it only ran at 6 frames per second at 1080p. Lowering the resolution didn't work so I had to track down some particularly nasty

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So…I wanted to share content to my 360 from my machines. I have a mix of Windows and Linux running throughout the house but most of my content comes from two main sources (one windows and one debian box). Sharing content from Windows to the 360 is quite easy with WMP but I have most of my content on the Debian server (set up specifically as a data repository). I tried to use EnableRemoteContentSharing (search google…but not really needed) to try and get the data to the 360 from WMP directly and

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End of year to have a prototype of that simple game that I posted about earlier.  Time has been short but things should free up just enough soon.

Akshay skated for the first time in 15 years!  Congrats!  It's time to take it to the next level.

For far too long I've been wanting two things:

1)  To watch movies on my large TV downstairs.
2)  To write code while I watch movies.

I believe the only solution is to obtain a powerful enough laptop to work downstairs. Then over time to buy large monitors that will sit on the coffee table downstairs so I can write code and watch movies at the same time. This plan needs to go into effect soon because…to be honest…I need to watch movies/TV and I need to do work. So it has been written…so it

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Well, been busy, a little busy but yes busy is the right word for this.

A few weeks back (first weekend in November I believe) I had a movie/game night with Omar where we went over the game design of a small strategy game. This game is not Ahhh-choo as we're delaying that until we have more funds and have a better demo. I've talked to a couple people about the game and while it is a very simple game people seem to like the idea. It will be a fun little game that many people recognize and are familiar

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Everybody remembers Chris Crocker and his statements about Britney Spears, right?  If not then here's a link to the video (language warning).

Of course, what you may not know about is the response by Seth Green…here it is.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while.  Many interesting things to talk about over the next bit.  I have to start getting a game done ASAP as there's a design meeting this upcoming Sunday…hmmm…really should get going on that prototype…supra!

Yesterday I visited Fry's for the first time.  I visited the Sunnyvale location and I'm still a little bit awestruck.  Frys is an electronics superstore where they have quite a few things…although that's putting it lightly.

They have a whole section (about half the size of my local Futureshop) that's dedicated to electronics components like resistors, capacitors, soldering items…

They have a live piano performance that's piped throughout the entire store as opposed to having generic radio/top

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