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Visiting the US is always a strange experience for me.  Being Canadian we don't encounter things like announcments about terror alert levels, we don't have aggressive looking helicopters flying around overhead, we also don't have as much American media as I thought we did.

There's always a lot of concern in Canada about US media flooding through Canadian TV but that's really not the case. While a lot of content is created in the US or is influenced by those here the networks in Canada do a great

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Culture!  Chinese Zen drumming!  View trailer.



Got back yesterday evening from Harvest 2007 in Peterborough.  I played with Grandma's Special Recipe and we edged out the local A team (Old Skule) for first place in the finals.  Quite a bit of fun!

Our tournament record was 7-0 with two 11-1 and one 11-0 game (final was 15-9).

Kicking back watching "30 Rock" with G and Lenny…good times!

So…TIFF is now done until September next year.  Sigh…was kind of enjoying watching many good films each day.

Jon posted his list with his ranking so it only seems fair that I do mine.

  1. "No Country for Old Men"
  2. "Lars and the Real Girl"
  3. "Juno"
  4. "Heavy Metal in Baghdad"
  6. "The Mosquito Problem and Other Stories"
  7. "Control"
  8. "Chrysalis"
  9. "Margot at the Wedding"

Yes they are ranked and they're all good movies that are worth checking out.  This list will be updated to add more movies as I see them. 


Congrats on seven years of fully successful blagging!

So…just got back from Control and Heavy Metal in Baghdad.  Very interesting but also very tired now so please expect an update on this post during the day on Sunday.

Both are good films and very interesting.

Another one of those times when a really good ad comes along and bites you when you're least expecting it.  Watch A Glass and a Half's first ad.

Life just got a little bit better:  Ratatouille on Blu-ray as of November 6th, 2007.  This movie deserves a HD release and I'm glad to see that it is getting one.  Soo soo goooood!

I just called Jon up at 0821 PT and woke him up.  Mind you, this is the guy that goes to bed around 1 am and also mind you that this is the guy that didn't sleep for three days back at E3 2004.  Still…it wasn't nice.  My bad.

Sometimes it's best to consider some challenges to be video games.  For the last week I've been looking through iptables and iproute2while I put together my home firewall. It wasn't so much the firewall that I needed but rather a firewall, NAT, SNAT/DNAT for multiple machines, and all of my data in an easy to reach place. While there are multiple ways to do this (bridge comes to mind) it seemed like it was about time that I try to make a cheap and complex solution out of it…for the challenge! More

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The unedited photos for CUC 2007 are up!  View them here.

So Akshay is calling it "quits".  Quit being a baby and post away.  Regardless of what anybody says your blag has entertaining bits.  Of course, your last post is entertaining in that it reeks of self indulgence and the same things you complain your blag of containing too much of.

Geoff and I had a good conversation over dinner (while Eric H. listened in) about stall counts in Ultimate. Given different strategies in Ultimate the highest levels have in recent memory simply involved moving the disc around very quickly and quite a bit in order to create the chance for a huck (long pass downfield). Our primary concern was that at lower levels people hang on to the disc for quite a long period of time. What it came down to was that it almost always takes the same number of plays

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Akshay continues on his path of ignorance in a bid to make his opinion seem important and educated.  I will attempt to answer his comments by addressing each component of his argument.

He argues that there is a degree of plausibility to "National Treasure:  Book of Secrets" with regards to Nicholas Cagekidnapping The President of the United States [of America]. Wait a second, he's taking this movie seriously? Perhaps you need to get a reality check Akshay but the reason we go to movies is to be

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Akshay posted something interesting over at his blag.

What would possess somebody to condemn a movie and an entire industry based upon the release of a sequel.  National Treasure was a fast paced action flick that was entertaining on the whole.  The sequel seems like the same sort of adventure ride and I'd like to note that just because Cage says he's going to something the whole point of the movie is that he may or may not…da da daaaaaaaaaaaaa!

It's like reviewing Star Wars (episode 4) before

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Download 3rd party library. 



Compile error.

Fix compile error.

Read license agreement.

Remove fix.

Download patch.

Apply patch.


Compile error.

Can't fix compile error due to license agreement.

Download patch.

Apply patch.


Compile error.

Can't fix compile error due to license agreement.

Search for patch.

No patch found.


Delete 3rd party library.

Write my own library.




Such are my days and nights.

This trailer for “Shoot ‘Em Up” is rated R, do not watch it if you object to some strong language and a lot of violence for what looks to be a great action film.

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