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So, today is it. The day that I've been talking about for a while…no, it's not demo release day (although that day will too someday arrive). It's the day when I buy a house. People have been asking me if I'm excited and guess what? I'm not. Yes sure it's a big step but the whole process has been quite sedate. Back in April the agreements were signed and the bank approved me. Then for a few months, nothing really happened. Last week I had the electricity, water, and gas accounts created (15 minutes

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Great film or Greatest Film?  It's fantastic!  Not the greatest but it must go on the favourites list immediately.  "Live Free or Die Hard" was a bit of a disappointment given the lack of R rated material didn't give it the edge that the series had.  Sigh, nevertheless there was the brilliant movie known as "Ratatouille".  Watch it.

But…Happy Canada Day!

Poster for The Bourne Ultimatum. Feels like a first spin but it feels interesting. The gritiness belies the probable action in the movie but hopefully not the shaky (physically) camera work like we saw in the last one. He's also holding a gun and clearly walking down a street which instantly forms many questions: Is he expecting somebody? He's not running so he must be planning on a breach or initiating a confrontation. Is he rescueing somebody? He doesn't seem to be injured or bleeding so is this

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I wish they wouldn't change certain "features" between revisions. A while ago I upgraded my in house (room) subversion server and a whole bunch of authentication rules I had no longer worked. Turns out that the method I'd been using to setup rules was a very rarely used method for doing so and while efficient to setup they decided to remove it between versions and not include it in the changelog with proper references. Ooops! So, I just finished setting up new authorization rules so people can finally

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In case you didn't know the Hitman game series were quite well designed and entertaining to play (lots and lots of hours spent figuring the environment out).  The actual violent component of the game was quite limited and it is of course an M titledue to those parts (as it should be). The story within Hitman is an interesting one as well as it's not purely about being a Hitman but why one is a Hitman (yada yada yada). There's quite a bit of mystery surrounding the character in the game and it should

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Lenny and I went skating today.  Not ice skating mind you but good old fashioned wooden rink skating.  It's the type of rink where almost everybody is wearing quads.  Lenny and I wore inlines.  Skating on a smooth wooden surface is amazing…it's been so long (I think grade 7 was the last time and I played Rampage more than anything back then) that I completely forgot what it was like.  There's a few comparisons that I draw between ice and wood:

  1. Wood requires more work to keep moving.
  2. Wood is

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Starship Troopers 3 (!!!) is in production!!!  Starship Troopers:  Marauder.

It was obvious from the other movies that each movie is simply a single small part of the whole war.  The cartoon series is especially nice in terms of how it adds more detail.  Starship Troopers is interesting in that it takes place in the very near future and doesn't create fantastic new weapons but instead takes a small incremental step forward making it seem far more plausible.

Yesterday I had dinner with one of my mates from University:  Lukasz.  He's a very bright guy that's one heck of a programmer and we had a long chat about what each of us was working on and life in general since the disconnect (thanks to Facebook for the reconnect…damn you Facebooook!).  Anyhow, Lukasz co-founded a company by the name of ContingencyWorks.

CW claims to make backing up workstations incredibly easy. I was skeptical of the claim and the business (I'll be honest here) as I thought

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Out on August 24th, 2007: 


Indiana Jones still looks like himself!  More details and a larger picture here.

Louis CK is on "Late Night with Conan O'Brien" and he's absolutely awesome to watch as always. He told a story about how terrible it is to have kids (with his usual sarcasm) and how great it is at the same time. His act is one of those where it's so funny you have to force yourself not to laugh until the very end as if you started laughing you wouldn't stop for hours. As always I warn you that Louis CK is not for kids or the faint hearted, his humour is creative and extreme. Most big name comics these

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Perhaps one of the biggest issues I'll have to deal with when I move is the lower temperature of my room. Presently I have several machines (servers and desktop) running 24/7 and it gets might hot in here (hovering around 31 last night…ambient air temperature) since we tend not to run the AC. I believe I'll be fine with no AC in the new place but will likely still set it to keep the temperature somewhat controlled. So to those of you around me that find it "hot" at night…you have no idea.

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It has arrived!  Jon sent me this totally awesome illustration and it looks amazing.  It's getting framed and put up in my new place.  My mom is also putting up some of her prints so it'll look totally smashing!

The new Hallmark cards with sound ad is quite well done…reminds me of the time I tried to do the dance back when I worked with Ed and Becky at LT3 (at DE).

Easily one of the best TV shows of all time…"CHiPs"!!!  It came out on DVD on Tuesday and this time I wasn't prevented from acquiring it.  It's interesting how all these major shows were considered mature back then but can be watched by kids these days…like the "A-Team".


Amazing ad from Absolut.

Depending on the cost of this…it's probably a better buy than the iPhone…looking forward to reviews!

Galen (from "Dump", the team I played with on the weekend) put together the following Bud Light spot for the Superbowl that was rejected by the network (for inappropriate language)…I only wish that I was this creative:

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