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So…just got back from the first night of Gender Blender and it was pretty crazy.  It is one of the most insane parties + Ultimate ever.  The first night (Friday night) usually has presentations which each team puts on…little party stations at the campsite of each team.  Since I don't drink a few of my friends and I did the circuits with me playing the games and them drinking the winnings.  Just a ton of fun overall and lots of hard Ultimate coming up.

Warning:  Language, content, music, and total hilarity.

Well, that project took a little bit of time but it's been deployed.  Onwards now…more frameworks and implementations.  I had a few others ideas over the week and I'm glad I have repositories that I can throw them into.  Lots of feasible ideas, may meet with somebody briefly during the day today for one of them.

Ultimate tournament for the rest of the weekend…out. 

Of movies that you must watch this Spring/Summer:  Pirates of the Great Salt Lake. (Thanks to Jon for the pointer)

I used to play it a while ago and I'm toying with playing WoW on a casual basis.  I think I'll have to recruit a few others to play as well though…I'm looking at you Akshay and Greg.  I have many other friends that already play it but they're a bit more hardcore and they're way too advanced for us to join their party.  Just on the side…something to go with the FPSs, RTSs, and RPGs…as well as all the old school games.

Put some pictures up here at Flickr.

Well, busy weekend…just finished the May Day tournament but more importantly it's been 30 years since Star Wars (Episode 4) was released.  Such fond memories of the ensuing years.  I'm not old enough to have been at the theatre the first time around but it's comforting to know that Star Wars is still so popular so many years down the road.  Anyhow, Ain't It Cool News posted the following clip and I know ya'll are just achin' to see it.

I received (you probably received it as well) this awesome bit of spam:

Akshay recently posted that he saw my game…does he?  Does he know what I have in store for him?  Does he know what little jab I have for him that I'll let him get several cheapshots in for?  I say jab but when it hits him he'll be sent reeling.

According to this article on ./ nobody wins this round.  Everybody is overlooking the obvious:  I win.

Unicorn has had some items with regards to it upgraded so it's not such a pain to access any more.  It's a hugely general update because so much was updated to stable counterparts.  I have brought some programs into the 20th century so we're finally just barely obsolete.

Upgrades are always an interesting question in the server world. In the desktop world the traffic and attacks are limited so upgrading to the latest and greatest don't lead to problems then those programs have bugs. Servers are

>read full post<

Month and a couple weeks to go so I've started making lists:

1)  Get fireworks.  This is very important as one cannot move and not have fireworks.
2)  Buy more memory for the computers.  I think the PCs could use an upgrade as well 🙂
3)  Buy a TV.
4)  Buy neat art for the walls, because that barren look is out.
5)  Buy furniture?  Well, we could skip this one.

Last weekend was the Toronto Ultimate Festival (in Toronto) and it was quite a fun time.  I managed to get some time to take pictures after the games, you can check them out here:

TUF 2007 – Liquid

TUF 2007 – General Pictures

TUF 2007 – Babies

Heavy server updates in progress.  Believe it or not but this is actually the low traffic period.

Yargh, just got cut from Liquid…I guess I need to work harder.

Was at TUF all day today and will be there tomorrow as well.  Will respond to emails and messages tomorrow night.

As well as sore.  Soggy Bottom Bowl presently underway in Guelph.  Running all day, eating and code in the evenings.  Will reply to posts and emails tomorrow night.

Hopefully in a couple months I'll be in my new place.  Details will appear closer to that date and many more afterwards.

I got tired of waiting for a Skype client from Skype (come on!) so I decided to give Fring a try.  I'm quite pleased with Fring as it allows me to have almost instantaneous Skype conversations via Wi-Fi.  Also interesting is that I have an unlimited call plan with Skype within North America so I'll be using that as my primary phone when I'm at work or home.  More details as I use the service.

Acura PSX:  AVJH 636.  Victoria Street/Highway 7 towards Guelph in front of "Flitecraft".

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