I had a thought…I’ll post when I get it back.
Anyhow, during breaks they’re showing how to win at craps…course…they’re not winning at all…they’re loosing…badly.
I had a thought…I’ll post when I get it back.
All I’ve said publicly is that Star Jones is an extremely self centered woman who lives 3 feet up her own ass.
Not coughing yet…but things aren’t looking the greatest…might’ve been something from that fungus lab I visited on Friday.
How many times do I have to teach ya’ll how to properly sterilize rooms?
*does that humping thing that Jim Carrey does*
Excellent acceptance speech…excellent movie.
Manitoba beat Ontario for the Scott…bah.
[15:53:16] ghettopimp: how’s your weekend shaping up?
[15:53:55] oo7 (f) – Cold Hearted.: Well…guess…
[15:55:32] ghettopimp: I’ll go with…. you finally decided to quit work, close your business, and embrace your true calling as a burger flipper in the most disreputable MacDonalds joint on this side of Scarborough, while running your highly esteemed pimpin’ business…. I’ll go even further and hypothesize that you’ve got a dentist’s appointment in a few minutes to replace a couple
Ghettopimp likes to post conversations on his site…maybe I should post one as well…
[21:06:38] oo7 (f) – Cold Hearted.: Need anything?
[21:06:40] oo7 (f) – Cold Hearted.: Other than porn.
[21:06:42] ghettopimp: 😐
[21:06:43] ghettopimp: no
[21:06:50] oo7 (f) – Cold Hearted.: You dirty pervert.
[21:06:52] ghettopimp: thx for the offer…. ya brownie
[21:07:01] oo7 (f) – Cold Hearted.: That’s right, you’re a level two pervert.
[21:07:04] oo7 (f) – Cold Hearted.: A dirty one.
Gorilla Mardis Gras!!!
So, me mum is now out of the country for a bit and all I can think about is that I am now in charge of the butter supply.
I love butter…butter, rice, yogurt, and sugar…faaaaaaaaantastic. So, I was putting some butter on some food when I realized…that won’t be getting refilled automatically anymore. What happens if the supply starts to run out?
I came up with a whole bunch of formulae in order to chart the performance of butter vs time. I think I’ll be good for a bit but it’s about time
So it’s quite possible that it’s time…time to be cool again. Cool like NOT Akshay.
It is time to partei
Kyle and I were chatting today and I mentioned that I would actually start putting some fire into these posts (I spit hot fire).
When a scripting language has 6 different ways to destroy an object that can be created in 4 different ways. Not only that, the object is not unique with each of the 4 creation methods. You also can’t determine how the object was created!!!
Also, certain destruction methods can only be used for objects created in certain ways.
Highly perturbing.
Wow, Freddy Got Fingered is as messed up now as it was the first time.
It was rigged…consarnit.
Possible deal today, bring me back my high calibre hockey…don’t make me come down there!!!
Me: What?
It: (nothing)
Me: k
It: Beep!
Me: What?
It: (sorry, had some gas)
Me: You did not.
It: (why not?)
Me: You don’t have anything that produces gas.
It: (oh yeah, that’s right)
Me: So what was it then?
It: (oh…umm…nothing I guess…)
It: Beep!! (You disconnected me!)
Me: Yeah I know.
It: Beep!! (Want to plug me back in?)
Me: Not yet.
It: Beep!! (Aww come on…)
Me: Noo…I need to move you.
It: Beep!! (Ok)
It: Beep!! Beep!! Beep!!
Me: What?
It: Beep!! (Oh sorry, I forgot you were moving me)
Me: k, hold up, here we go.
It: Beep!! (Thanks for plugging me back in)
Me: No problem.
It; Beep!! (wheeeeeeee!!!)
Me: Sigh…
Recharging is complete.