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Take your pick.  Wars or Trek.  Both have drawn me back in. 

I received a piece of spam "from" Amazon indicating that I should update my credit card number or I would have my account deleted.  The email was quite interesting as it was professional looking but it was obviously a scam.  More interesting was the link (it's a phishing link, do not consider it to be the real deal):  http://www.amazon.com/gp/subs/primeclub/account/homepage.html/ref=ya_hp_sub_1/104-4436503-7329515?ie=UTF8&method=GET

You'll notice that the website it actually goes to is: http://www.cebessemans.be/.online/www.amazon.com/flex/sign-out.html/2Fhomepage=protocol=httpsaction=sign-out/exec.php?cmd=sign-in

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So Becky (Evil Betty) passed her Master's Exam!  Congrats!  Onto the Doctorate!


Tee hee hee.

A noted featureafter the PS3 upgrade to v1.5 a the credit card reader. It requires a hardware add-on and connects via a USB port. Normally I don't defend the PS3 but in this case I think there's a few potential uses that are being overlooked. A credit card can be used for quick login. Given that the PS3 runs Linux you could now create a POS system and perhaps expand the PS3 market by perhaps 10 or 20 people! Such record gains are sure to give Sony Entertainment Marketing a reason to celebrate and

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Seriously, I DISLIKEit. Want to know why? It's gossip. There's no reason why we should care. Sure, we care if they pass away (that's proper) or if they're injured but do we need to spend billions each year on glorified gossip? Really, how does what Paris Hilton (more on her later), Brad Pitt (a favourite actor of mine), or Tom Cruise do matter to any of us? It doesn't, it's entertainment but it's being covered by the news networks when there are kids missing, murderers on the lose, and economic/business

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Turns out that a Toronto company named Ghostmilk Studios is responsible for the Guitar Hero II intro.  Quite interesting the number of things that they've worked on.

Congratulations Kevin Sawka, you have talent!

So…what happened this week? Oh yes, it finally snowed! Yes indeed! The first real snowfall in a season is usually incredibly soft snow that I like to throw at people. Yes you heard it, snowballs. During the day, while at work, I like to go outside and throw snowballs at cars, signs, people (I know and that I don't) that walk by. People are usually forgiving if you throw snow at them and then say "Ooops, I thought you were somebody else." Trust me, throwing snowballs at strangers is about as fun

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[2007-01-18 14:24:02] oo7 (f) – Where's the SNOW?!: Homosayswat?
[2007-01-18 14:24:15] Akshay: lol, wtf
[2007-01-18 14:24:21] oo7 (f) – Where's the SNOW?!: HA!
[2007-01-18 14:24:23] oo7 (f) – Where's the SNOW?!: Gotcha!

I no longer call junk mail junk mail.  I call it what it is:  Spam.

Isn't the interweb grand?   I was watching this video on YouTube when I realized that what Patrick did wasn't very nice.  So what can I do?

  1. Capture this image.
  2. Mirror it.
  3. Read the area code (410, that's in Maryland).
  4. Use Google Search.
  5. Results:  Reisterstown Music Center.
  6. Plan visit to RMC.

Naughty Naughty Patrick!

Apparently I can write this off as a charitable contribution.  Wait, I can't?  Awww, dang it.

The following message was taken Akshay without permission (bringing balance back to this post):

<p> It will be at the <a href="http://www.k-wcms.com/">Kitchener Chamber Music Society</a> </p> <p> They&rsquo;re both extremely talented and professional musicians. They are also extremely good friends, and as such, Natalie is donating her fee for the concert towards Wendy&rsquo;s adoption of a baby from Ethiopia.

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The latest The Daily WTF gives us this little gem.  While the problem with the code (rather than the problem in method of implementation) should be immediately obvious it may take some of you more than a few seconds.  The humour in the aformentioned gem is not the code itself but the commentsthat respond to the post. You have to scroll almost half way down the page before somebody actually figures out what the problem with the code is and posts about it. Everybody before that argues over implementation

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by Moby, featuring Debbie Harry

I always enjoy this song, you will too.

I had lunch with Ian on Friday and as usual we had an interesting discussion.

The iPhone was a hot topic and not surprisingly we are both unimpressed.  One of the primary reasons is the lack of credit to Jeff Han for his Multi-Touch Interaction Research (Ian feels strongly about this because one of his students worked on a similar project). In fact, there's a lot of credit not given to other people that Apple seems content to steal and use as their own. While those that are in the graphics community

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So Steve has had his few minutes of fun and as usual the fanboys are going nuts.  I know many are going to call me a Nintendo fanboy but trust me, I'm plenty critical of Nintendo (just talk to me in person) and I will from time to time let you know.  Chad brought up a good point that Apple glossed over the details as well as not paying attention to their own page.  There are many things that I want to know as many things bother me.

What about the keynote bothered me? While Apple holds many patents

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Mark today on the calendar.

There have been other lists made by generally one dimensional gamers and while I agree with some of their sentiments I have a more varied taste that should suit everybody just fine.

  • Spore (Wikipedia), (ign), (video.google.com) – I'm interested in seeing what this game has to offer and what sort of balance there is. While the dynamics and functional elements are interesting from a programers point of view the "storyline" seems far too linear and the experience might be too frustrating as there are

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