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Viral marketing for Wall-E has started…visit www.buynlarge.com.

With the Beijing Games (Summer Olympics 2008) approaching it's time to check in on the building progress of some of the facilities.  One facility in particular merits a closer look: the Water Cube.  Rather than explain it check out some concept art and building progress.  You can see more Beijing 2008 construction here.

Ian (yes, _that_ Ian) linked me to a fabulous page (while he was browsing AVS) that compares HD DVD/Blu-ray content to DVD.  It's a flash app that lets you scroll over the difference between the two.  For those of you that are still skeptical or especially those that don't know the different I highly recommend you check this out.

Note, some items may not load (if the bars stay at 0 for a long time) so simply hit back and try another.


I especially recommend these:

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I didn't think I would be looking forward to "Alvin and the Chipmunks" but I am…especially after this teaser-trailer:

Screenings for the follow up to "Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle" have started and the next one is on the 26th of July (2007)…this Thursday.  Show starts at 1930 which means that one should arrive at 1800…mmm…nice.

I've just finished paying the first of my first round of bills and mortgage payments.  Interesting how the account balance dips quite quickly quite so suddenly.  I have survived though and I will persevere!

I've had less sleep over this whole weekend than I usually get on a weeknight (and that's already tiny) and so I'm quite tired (given lots of Goaltimate on Sunday as well) but for some reason I'm not sleepy (which is odd as I don't have a sleep schedule other than sleep when you're sleepy).  All in all I thought I'd be sleepy by now but I guess it isn't so.  Oh well, I suppose reading documentation and a book will trigger it.

The other day I had a Risk and Settlers of Catan party.  While both games are enjoyable the end game in Risk becomes rather tedious with two large armies battling against each other.  Some may find the repetitive rolling enjoyable but most don't.  Being that it was a party I had the laptop out so I wrote some scribbles and created a program geared towards Risk dice rolling (one battle at a time).  By some coincidence Slashdothad an article about an online service that provides true random numbers…the

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It's 04:18…I heard a car outside (don't ask how)…people are delivering newspapers…you see?  Somebody else is also working at this time of night!  I'm not a complete loser (like Akshay).

Smooth, very very smooth.

"Work It Out" by RJD2; the gentleman in the video is Bill Shannon.

A more complete version that might be the actual video, not sure…but it's good too.

A very funny man passed away on Sunday:  Pat Brice. He was tremendously funny and that was about all I knew about him. He worked with a friend of mine (Jordan) on a few projects and I came to know his online humour through little clips that Jordan used to send me while he was editing them. All the Blerds and Visitors Locker Room guys are quite funny. I'm not sure if their Friday show at the Apollo is going ahead at this time but I will certainly miss Pat. You can find some of Pat's work

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Next dance party I can guarantee you that I'm doing this:

Oh, check out Slagsmålsklubben (6 Swedish Guys with Synths) while you're there.

Once again, been super busy but…

  1. Moved in!  Been living here (sleeping, eating, gaming) for one week now.  Fun times!
  2. Playing a lot of Risk since there isn't at TV.  Next Risk game is probably going to involve Eric, Geoff, and Lenny (you're going down Lenny).
  3. Weather is good.
  4. Work is hectic.
  5. Chad has been working like mad on new things (expect things).
  6. Bills arrive fast and organization now is key.
  7. Network is up and running, going through the walls sometime during the week.
  8. Algorithm optimization…it's

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I was watching this maze pagesolve itself (press the solve button) when optimization came to mind. You see, this maze solver seems to be brute forcing a solution by always turning left (initially) until the last turn results in a dead end. It then backs up to the last turn and tries the next turn in the sequence (left, straight, right). The technique mentioned is pretty good for mazes and there seems to be nothing one can do to speed it up but there are a few cases that one can do to aid in selecting

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Moved out I guess…Eric came over and we played Risk.  Then I worked…it's still warm in here so I'll have to clean out the computer to see if that helps.  Not as warm though.

All set up and ready for action…back home for dinner now.

I tested the interweb connection earlier today at the new place and it's connected.  The computers shall make their move now.


goldeneye:/# uptime
14:09:55 up 405 days, 11:59,  1 user,  load average: 1.37, 0.43, 0.15

I didn't realize how many games I had until I started moving…it's nowhere near as large as Omar's collection but it's large nonetheless.

In other news, I may have a very "neat" phone number for my land line.  More details as to its neatness once I confirm that I have it. 

It would be a good idea to get to bed early so that you can wake up nice and relaxed for the good day but…oh…let me just implement this one feature…

…oh…while I'm at it I may as well pass forward the linking error messages…

…oh…let's just test it…

…oh…to test this fully I could just manipulate the database or I could just implement this small other feature…

…oh…there's a lot of dead code in here…let's just clean it up…

…oh…there's a feature change I need to add

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