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Time is up for the pre frosh week trivia…

I will tally the scores but stay tuned for Trivia here…plus…the winner…answers will not be given for another week as I’m going to cycle the questions back in and mix them with some new ones…

Winner: Gordie…you get a Crispie Crunch right? (edit: I was just kidding, Coffee Crisp it iz)

ok new Trivia week…ends on Saturday morning =)

  1. It’s the primary way to run Windows on Linux.

1 point to Reena

  1. February 2nd

1 point to Sana’a

  1. Monkey _

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So I was playing Ultimate 2day out on ze field and I was defending Dave when he threw it directly into my face. The inside left of my lips are cut up and I have to make sure they’re closed so that they will heal 🙂

Trivia: both are incorrect Sana’a…keep trying…close but no cigar

Me: Skyhawk Oscar Oscar Seven Requesting clearance to land at one six right.

ATC: Skyhawk Oscar Oscar Seven, Request denied, hold Traffic Pattern.


ATC: Skyhawk Oscar Oscar Seven Acknowledge Request denied.

Me: Skyhawk Oscar Oscar Seven requests flight plan cancel.

ATC: Skyhawk Oscar Oscar Seven, flight plan cancelled.

Me: Skyhawk Oscar Oscar Seven requests Taxi instructions to Parking

he he he…if there’s no other planes around and I”m flying at an airport with VFR only then what’s the

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Since yesterdays trivia wasn’t answered…I’ll leave that out for yah to check…

hints (for yesterday)

  1. Check their website…

  2. It’s a TV producers tag

1 point to Reena

  1. It’s the Windows “thingy” for Linux, it “emulates” Windows

I finished the Student Level of Flight Sim 2002 Pro and it’s pretty c00l.

Why did I buy it? Well, since my other licence doesn’t cut it, I was told I’d have to study this one. Turns out that if I get my Private Licence then I can buy a Yoke and Pedals (about $500) and can log actual flight time on my computer!!!

But, I got the 3 CD version (Pro), it comes with extra planes and airports and stuff. I also bought a the force feedback MS joystick (it’s c0000l).

Anyways, after I finished the Student

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I keep calling this trivia even though it’s more. 2 more days to go (today and tomorrow)

Gordie is in the lead with 3 points

Sana’a and Jen are tied for second with 1 point

since this is the first installment, I’m pretty sure that many people don’t know about it and the chocolate bar prize…mmm…

Trivia will also happen during frosh week but will take a break either the week after frosh week or the week after that week. The reason is that I’ll probably build an automated site to handle

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I wanted a baseball strike…sniff…stupid sport can’t offer any excitement can it?

A few minutes ago I finished fixing my toe. As some of you know I played some football (soccer) on wednesday and I hurt my index toe on my left foot pretty badly.

It stopped bleeding on wednesday night and so on thursday I went to play Ultimate.

It was huuuuuuge fun and got lots of excercise =)

but, my toe started bleeding again even worse than before. About an hour ago it started swelling and I suspected blood and plasma buildup…so I sliced a bit of it open to release the pressure (it was pus)

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Oh Henry and a can of cok3…light snack of c0d3rs

for yesterday

  1. Monkey

1 point to Gordie, brings im to 2

  1. Yakshimeh

Trivia ends on Sunday night 🙂

  1. They keep giving him awards…why don’t they just play his videos?

1 point to Sana’a

  1. “__ I don’t speak freaky deeky dutch” (the number of dashes do not designate the number of letters)

1 point to Gordie, brings im to 3

  1. Poisonous beef_____ ____

(hint: number is the name of the organism)

guess who’s still up? 🙂

work time

Yesterdays trivia still stands…hmm…maybe I’ll make up a trivia site?? More to do first…

  1. What Bond film was shot on the same bridge as True Lies? – answered correctly by Gordie

  2. Who Cares?

  3. “A pig that swims in the water.”

anyways…things are working better…and guess what? Spaceballs is showing on the Superstation!!

last night was one of the worst nights in my life. The reason for this was that my ISP (golden) was having troubles with web traffic through port 80 (sniff) so it was really really flaky and wouldn’t work for 5 to 10 minutes on end.

All the other ports worked and I even contacted some of my friends on the network and they were having the same problems. So essentially I was unable to complete important searches on various topics due to the flakyness…but this morning all was good 🙂

Have you seen those new George Foreman grills? They look like something that Apple would make…except it has no brain…unfortunate.

My DV drive should arrive soon…it’s not real time but that’ll come in a few years.

Get the questions right and get points to win a prize 🙂

  1. What Bond film was shot on the same bridge as True Lies?

  2. Who Cares?

  3. “A pig that swims in the water.”

Weekly trivia…prize is a candy bar…your choice…answering a question correctly removes that question from the trivia.


You can answer any question you like. But once it has been correctly answered then nobody else can get points from it.

Remember Cory Matthews? I just saw him when he was a tiny kid…whoa…at the beginning of the show that he was on….first person to guess the show name gets a prize…

Question is now closed.

1 point to JenC

My next project that I’m working on is called Unity. Just wanted to give you a heads up on that…and I should finish off the file lister on my site…

is this…I tell yah, space travel is going to loose all its glamour after this…

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