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Basic Risk

The other day I had a Risk and Settlers of Catan party.  While both games are enjoyable the end game in Risk becomes rather tedious with two large armies battling against each other.  Some may find the repetitive rolling enjoyable but most don't.  Being that it was a party I had the laptop out so I wrote some scribbles and created a program geared towards Risk dice rolling (one battle at a time).  By some coincidence Slashdot had an article about an online service that provides true random numbers…the "Quantum Random Bit Generator Service".  Hmm…I guess I should link the two together.

So I did, you can find the very basic source (to compile with g++) here: risk_roll.cpp or the zip including the QRBG files here:  risk_roll.zip.

Some would say that I may have over-designed but the flow of the program is quite linear and easy to read.  It's also now easy to run stats with true random numbers and I'll run some when I get the time and post the results.