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The day...

So, today is it.  The day that I've been talking about for a while…no, it's not demo release day (although that day will too someday arrive).  It's the day when I buy a house.  People have been asking me if I'm excited and guess what?  I'm not.  Yes sure it's a big step but the whole process has been quite sedate.  Back in April the agreements were signed and the bank approved me.  Then for a few months, nothing really happened.  Last week I had the electricity, water, and gas accounts created (15 minutes total including hold time and one call to the wrong company).  I obtained insurance inside of 10 minutes as well and aside from a 5 minute trip to the bank and a 20 minute visit to the house there wasn't really much to do.

I suppose one of the reasons I'm not in much of a panic or excited is that I haven't packed anything yet.  The move is within town and I have many days to move so there's no real sense of urgency.  The first real tangible step shall be this morning when I pay ze money…and then nothing.  Later on today I will get the keys and at that point I think things will get real…mad real.  After that I shall plant a tree in the backyard (but not before plenty of photographs to document the house) and I guess…well, that's the plan so far.

So, await word on more.