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Hitman Trailer

In case you didn't know the Hitman game series were quite well designed and entertaining to play (lots and lots of hours spent figuring the environment out).  The actual violent component of the game was quite limited and it is of course an M title due to those parts (as it should be).  The story within Hitman is an interesting one as well as it's not purely about being a Hitman but why one is a Hitman (yada yada yada).  There's quite a bit of mystery surrounding the character in the game and it should make a good movie adaptation.  Lately though there have been quite a few of terrible movie game adaptations and well…everybody is on edge to see if they'll finally make a good movie from a game.  If the Hitman teaser-trailer is any indication then we're in for quite a good ride.

Watch Hitman Teaser-Trailer.

Update:  Fox has asked JoBlo to remove the trailer but IGN has it here.