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Sigh, it’s a good cause

Apparently I can write this off as a charitable contribution.  Wait, I can't?  Awww, dang it.

The following message was taken Akshay without permission (bringing balance back to this post):

  It will be at the <a href="http://www.k-wcms.com/">Kitchener Chamber Music Society</a>

  They&rsquo;re both extremely talented and professional musicians. They are also extremely good friends, and as such, Natalie is donating her fee for the concert towards Wendy&rsquo;s adoption of a baby from Ethiopia.

  If you can&rsquo;t make it, or aren&rsquo;t interested, no worries. All I ask is that you let anyone whom you think might have an interest in such a concert know =)

  Program details are <a href="http://www.asury.com/Media/Wendy_Natalie.pdf">available here</a>

So…if you're in the KW area on that day and you want to help them out…do it.