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My most anticipated games of 2007

There have been other lists made by generally one dimensional gamers and while I agree with some of their sentiments I have a more varied taste that should suit everybody just fine.

  • Spore (Wikipedia), (ign), (video.google.com) – I'm interested in seeing what this game has to offer and what sort of balance there is. While the dynamics and functional elements are interesting from a programers point of view the "storyline" seems far too linear and the experience might be too frustrating as there are relatively few limitations. Peter Molyneux talked about issues Lionhead had with Black and White and allowing too much freedom. The challenge in the game might be competing with others but I'm not sure that the Spore servers will be able to handle the multiplayer onslaught.
  • Portal (WikiPedia), (ign), (YouTube) – As far as I'm concerned this is the FPS that actually redefines the genre. The reason I think is that you are able to change your environment and are required to use that modification to your benefit. You can go absolutely everywhere but yet you don't have complete control. If you have complete physical control that only leaves the mental aspects of the game and it makes the FPS completely based upon strategy and brain power rather than just the ability to click a button faster than your opponent.
  • Team Fortress 2 (WikiPedia), (ign), (YouTube) – Greg and I like challenges and ever since we saw the teaser/trailer we've been waiting impatiently.  It's a cartoonesque, violent, very well animated FPS that is likely to (unfortunately) replace DOD:S as our nightly game.
  • Super Mario Chargers (ign) – If you ever played the GameCube version then you know the kind of fun to expect on the Wii.  While not bringing much that's new Chargers continues on by brining the "fun".  Strikers was a game that was incredibly easy to pick up and play.  It was also incredibly difficult in head to head play and remains on my top list of GC games to this very day.  Fast paced Mario Football (that's Soccer for us North Americans).
  • Metroid Prime 3:  Corruption (ign) – The series with two of the biggest titles on all Nintendo platforms will finally come to the Wii.  An early release we are likely to see at least one more Metroid sequel on the Wii in the coming years.
  • Supreme Commander (WikiPedia)- Remember Total Annihilation (WikiPedia)?  Yeah?  Made by the folks at Gas Powered Games (made up of many Cavedog folks) it's the ultimate continuation of an amazing RTS that many (including myself) consider the best RTS ever.  The graphics capabilities and unit advancements will put this straight on my top 5 list of the year.
  • Guitar Hero 2 (ign) – Yes, I know it's already out on the PS2 but the 360 version is going to be in HD!
  • Wii Motor Sports Airplane (ign) – Fun!  Challenging, very simple but well made.
  • Super Mario Galaxy (ign) – A Mario progression that deserves to be called a progression.  This was a very enjoyable game and hopefully is a good long play.
  • Super Smash Brothers Brawl (ign) – With Snake!  As well as another surprise that will supposedly be revealed closer to date.