Posted on: 21:33:31 03-08-2006 by tushar
I will pay $50 to the first person who agrees to the following and follows through with it.
Has a child and then has an eBay auction where the winner of the auction gets to name the child. The name shall be the first name and middle name but not the last name (that will be up to the parent(s)). Child must keep the name they are given for at least one year. Parent(s) keep the monies from the auction. This must be an official name change and on the birth certificate. A copy of the certificate must be sent to me and the winner of the auction (if there are costs associated with this I will cover them (within reason)). Auction may occur prior to birth of the child if locality/district requires naming shortly after birth.
Payment will be upon completion of the challenge. You know where to reach me if you want to take this challenge on (here, well not directly to this message but contact me at an email address at this