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Tommy Lee goes to College?

So there’s this new reality show called Tommy Lee Goes to College (TLGC). Just hearing that I got all excited! Tommy’s gonna git himself some learnin’! Can you believe it?
I mean, how did a guy like that manage to get Pamela Anderson? She’s gotta have standards…she’s Canadian.
Anyways anyways…I was expecting an enjoyable romp of Cruedness with constant TV bleeps and most of the TV picture being a pixelated blur.
Instead I got a crappy pedantic bore of a show that would put insomniacs to sleep. Do people even know how to make good reality shows anymore? Are we going to see more of this type of crap?
Why am I bitter? TLGC is SLOW, FORCED, and BORING. There’s nothing funny and is far too soft for what I expected. It’s so bad that Nanny 911 makes TLGC seem like a show about…a baby going to preschool for the first time.
In closing…don’t watch TLGC, let’s get something better in that time…like Profit.