Posted on: 08:30:26 08-02-2005 by tushar
The computer is probably the best and worst thing that has happened to me. On the one hand it has allowed me to be incredibly creative (and evil) and apply the principles therein to other aspects of life (such as art, skating, biking, and ultimate). On the other hand it has also forced me to be good from time to time and has taken time away from many important things.
Course, technology is pretty interesting and that is definetly the wave of the future. Technology and automation have been a primary human concern for the last 300 years and we’re accelerating the pace. A good way to see technologies affects is to observe exploration patterns. Technology allows us to feed our curiosity and thus we continue to develop it to allow us to travel to where our hearts desire.
When humans as a whole were in their infancy we thought that our immediate surroundings consistted of only what we could see. As we grew stronger we were able to travel further and thus able to see more. Then we made boats and we suddenly lived on a seemingly infinite plane. Eventually we went all the way around the planet and realized that we’re sitting on a pretty tiny ball of heavy metals.
So, nowadays we venture into space which technology that continues to evolve. Of course, some will ask what comes after space and this is where we must pause. In the past we were limited in our travels by the capabilities of our mode of transport. While we’re still travelling relatively slowly between planets we can’t (as of yet) travel faster than what physics dicates. We could someday travel between two distant points quite quickly except that it’s not about getting to the end of the Universe as fast as possible. It’s about exploring all of it.