Posted on: 08:24:12 05-10-2002 by tushar
don’t need cheerleaders. This isn’t a post to tarnish the reputation of cheerleaders; rather, it is a post to discuss why exactly certain sports need cheerleaders.
Many sports that are boring seem to have some sort of sideshow. I will group mascots into the cheerleading group because that’s what mascots at baseball games do…they lead cheers.
A crowd watching a real game shouldn’t be told what to do, rather they should have the spirit from watching the game to start their own cheers.
By real sports I refer to Soccer (of course), Ultimate (of course), running, most Olympic sports (including ice hockey and basketball) and many other sports that don’t involve cheerleaders.
At this point I’d like to clear up why I included basketball in the real sport category.
The cheerleaders in basketball don’t actively lead cheers during a play. Also, basketball cheerleaders are overshadowed by the game rather than vice versa.
Back to the main topic: cheerleading is considered a sport and so it should not be mixed in with other sports. When I want to watch a game on TV I don’t want the players to take breaks so that the cheerleaders can cheer, I want the game to progress quickly. Of course, the success of many teams is directly related to the coverage the cheerleaders get. The owners are paying more attention to how much sex they can sell rather than how much better they can make the team.
I don’t blame the owners for that, rather I blame the people who pay to watch the cheerleaders at the games rather than the play on the field. The owners are trying to make money and mixing the two appeals to the slightly overweight man who wears a baseball cap and doesn’t know how to use the internet to get free porn, so rather he’d use his imagination while watching a football game.
The physical state of people in this part of the world is starting to reach a new low and that directly reflects in the games we watch. Baseball is slower than ever, football is slowing down and is selling more sex than the game, new shows like robot wars and battlebots are popping up that make their main selling point the lovely ladies interviewing the geeky roboteers, and of course, last but not least: MLS.
It’s just like the Americans to take soccer and put cheerleaders on the sidelines. I expect that the cheerleaders will dissappear soon as soccer sells itself and doesn’t have 1 minute delays between each play.
By now you probably realised that I don’t like American football and I’ll let you know why…tomorrow 🙂