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I heard some real nice things about Liam today (Dorey that is) and it made me think about culture and how it’s affected. When religion forms the basis for culture then it is no longer culture but a religious basis.

Most culture derives from that of religion or a shunning/lack of it. When a significant portion of an ethnic group that practice the same religion govern themselves in the same manner then it becomes apparent that going outside the bonds of culture can be considered an infringment of the religion itself.

The basis of most religions are in fact not written in stone or in a book but are part of culture. That is how religions are derived…from culture. But in terms of culture, it must continue to change, hence a seperation of culture is required from religion in ways that you live strictly by a religion of you follow it and not allow it to interfere with commonplace life. If infringement occurs then you no longer live your life but rather one that somebody tells you to live. Even if that somebody is “God” then you still have to decide for yourself.

Absolutely nothing is proven and most religions go on the basis of a saviour or prophet that was witnessed going to a happier place. Therefor if you follow the words of wisdom of those enlightened ones then you too will encounter a happier place. Yet, even through all these years of death not one common person was found to have ascended to heaven. If I am going to give my life to the following of a religion then I want to go out with the same bang that the original person went out with.

If the persons ascension was signalled by bright lights then it follows that any other person that ascends will have bright noticable lights to signal an ascension. Since we don’t see that it can be formulated that they didn’t ascend.

Thus, as it stands there still is no basis to religion other than commonly held wisdom or religion. A legitimate example is those that worship Star Trek/Star Wars characters. They follow the wisdom of the books and series just as frevently as those who follow the books of religion. Why cannot they be considered to be religious? The truth is that they can indeed considered to be religious and if you scoff at one then you must scoff at all because they all have the same basis: a bunch of stories.

In any case I was told that “Liam is one of the sweetest guys ever” (note is just a statement of what he is)