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Woooo…Scunt is ON, bring it…booyakasha. What’s up peoples? long time

no talk…well two days. Last night was movie night, as always, Polaris

suxsaurs big time. Lots of stuff going on, I’m working on a module that

will do screenshots for me, so basically I’m making a whole rendering

utility, which will come in handy for later (or now). I’ve got to find

more poster stores in town. There’s two more Shrek posters I’ve got to


Work is back on 2day, sugar. It’s cool, I get to sit in a new place,

my own little safe haven, but there’s so much light in here, it’s really

really bright. I don’t mind that, it’s just that everything is so stark I

had to bring in my own LEGO stuff and rubber ducky to contrast the

plainness. Hoping it’ll be a pretty sw33t dy and night altogether.

Should be nice, but of course, depends on the music selection, and the


It’s really sweet weather. Last night I went jogging and of course

the cold air makes it harder to breath. I also have to slow my jog down,

it’s currently a fast paced run, I want to get to the level of a mile in

under 5 minutes and then hopefully a mile in under 4 minutes but that’s

just wishing right now.