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Uh oh...

So the other day (sorry folks…forgot to post this…around the time I

was busy) I was bored…so I went into my basement cause it has lots of

cool stuff there like fireworkds…clay…flamables…that kinda thing. I

found some glue…the strong stuff…epoxy or something…so I started

gluing stuff together…and a little bit got on the ground…so I start

wiping it up…thining it…spreading it over a large surface

area…hoping it would dry…then my dog comes running down. Not wanting

my dog to step in the glue and I shoo him away and then turn around to get

back to wiping it up…ok I try to turn around…I can’t turn around…I

look down…uh oh…left foot in glue…left foot not turning…left foot

stuck. Hmm…don’t want to call parents…sister will taunt (as will my

parents). So I just yank…hmm…there’s pain (no biggy..pain is easy to

ignore). Glue is dry…there’s blood..that’s not good..so I clean up the

blood…my foot isn’t bleeding anymore, I clot fast. So my foot has

almost healed…just that there’s a scab inside some skin and it’s

strange. Yeah it hurts to walk on it…but whatever…pain is part of

my life…and I don’t like anybody else getting hurt if I can stop it.

That’s all for now.

Oh yeah…about the ban on Beatles being played…I had suggested to my

parents that they reassess the ban in 2005…giving my sister plenty of

time to think about playing a CD repeatdly. Much to my chagrin they

lifted the ban already…I’m going to ask for economic embargos against

the sibling formally known as Little Punk or for economic benefits for me.

No such luck so far…but I may even take it to the United Nations…if

the United Parents don’t help.