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Other things...

A potluck my mom hosted just finished. There were lots of kids

here…played lots of N64…I was mean to some of them…but they deserve

it…if I’m not mean now then who’ll be mean to them? he he he.

I’ve got less than one week before work starts…looking forward to

it…should be lots of fun…especially looking forward to who I’ll be

working with…hopefully somebody good with sound stuff.

Since I’ve been at the University most of the time I’ve missed out on

lots of stuff that’s happenned around the house. Like apparently the

garbage is no longer kept there and look we have a swiffer…I twist it

and the dust just doesn’t come off…the technology on the thing is

amazing…oh wow I don’t know how I got along without it. Alright that

was sarcasm…I’m also making fun of a commercial about the same product

with a different name. You know folks…there’s a cool thing that does

the same things cost less and works better…it’s called a mop…and if

you can’t use one then you’re an idiot. S if you’re reading this…YOU’RE


completely like him…you know…don’t be a him). Just to make note…I’m

not against Swiffer…about time somebody use the rub ballon against head

stick to wall principle (static).

So to saw normal things now…I’m bloody bored in University…MS…if

you’re reading this…I’d like a high paying job…I’ll work on stuff that

will make you trillions…I’ve got ideas I just need the backing. Also

I’m light so you can ship me down in a crate.

Oh yeah…I convinced one of my friends to put posts about himself up.

So you can get to it here. His name is Peter

Rudder…so you can get to it with: http://tushar.cx/pr